Roboze Manufacturing as a Service
Produce up to 10.000 components on demand, anywhere in the world
The most accurate and repeatable extrusion technology for super polymers and composites in the world is now On Demand. Rely on Roboze customized 3D printing services to produce your components in quantity and repeatability by accessing the powerful production capacity of dozens of Roboze 3D Parts Production Centers connected to each other around the world.
Your parts produced just in time and on demand, close to the point of use. Imagine having dozens of digital factories around the world at your disposal, reducing inventory and producing flexibly.

Costs and time savings
Global coverage and local delivery with the guarantee of Roboze quality standards. All coordinated by your Roboze representative.
Customized service
A team of applications engineers and materials scientists are at your disposal to identify the most suitable engineering solutions for you.
Warehouse reduction
A revolution for the supply chain, allowing you to reduce the cost of inventory and produce just in time.
Production flexibility
Our digital manufacturing method can help you navigate rough waters and prevent risks.
Functional finished parts
Patented 3D printing technology, dedicated to the production of repeatable end-use parts with composites and super polymers. Now, On demand.
Local Manufacturing
We bring the value of production back to the point of use, generating economic, environmental and social benefits.