Additive technologies in the industrial field: uses and advantages

The main additive technologies’ advantage is having the chance to realize, whenever you need, parts with any geometry in case of enquiries of small production batches, unique components and on demand.

If we combine this advantage with the use of high performance materials, we can get many potentialities and advantages in the industrial field.

Roboze technology allows to realize finished and functional parts with high performance materials that guarantee even to replace metal alloys in many applications.In the manufacturing industry, using our technology can solve many problems that are necessary to face everyday within the production processes. The possibility to print spare parts or components of any kind, in few hours and with reduced costs, can avoid waste of time and money because of the machine downtime or significantly reduce the maintenance costs. The printed parts can be used immediately also while waiting the supply of the spare parts that are generally used.

Machines’ efficiency thanks to PEEK

Using materials like PEEK can even guarantee advantages related to the efficiency of the machines, thanks to its lightness and the possibility to avoid the lubrification. Thanks to its chemical resistance and the absence of any corrosion phenomena, typical of metals, using PEEK can increase the lifetime of the components and drastically reduce the maintenance costs.

Get in touch with Roboze experts for a personalized consultancy and get ready to print strong like metal.

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